About Us

At Tip Of The Spear Gear our mission is to support, recognize, uphold, and give thanks to anyone who defies the odds, who knows sacrifice, or who faces adversity head on. When we say Tip Of The Spear we are talking about those who can be found downrange in service for one's country or down the street in support of one's community. The Tip Of The Spear leads the way no matter what the task. It's about facing challenges day in and day out and answering a call to action through service, sacrifice, and selflessness. The Tip Of The Spear is a part of all that we do and for whom we do it all.


To support, recognize, uphold, and give thanks to anyone who defies the odds, knows sacrifice, and faces adversity head on.


To become a trusted advocate for fearless, strong, and selfless people that humbly serve others for the greater good.

Core Values


Helping others above personal interests and using our abilities to be of service to others.


Overcoming difficulties and obstacles through sheer determination. Quitting is not in our vocabulary.


Striving to be the best no matter what the task is. Keeping the highest possible standards in all areas of life.


Whatever life throws at us, we are able to adapt and keep moving forward.


When called upon, we are going to show up and be ready to give 100%. Others know we will be there for them, no questions asked.